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  • Katelyn

January Update

Lately I’ve reconsidered the blog posts I’m making. I think the Instagram posts and associated words seem to be much more my speed. It feels like when I come here to write I end up reiterating everything I’ve already written, and let’s be honest who wants to read the same thing twice?! Not me. I have noticed other friends using their website blog to instead send out updates, and for this year at least, I think that’s what will work for me!


January of 2022 has started with quite the bang here in the PNW. We’ve been hit with a slew of snow and wind storms, and even a tsunami warning! Our normally moderate climate has been hit with such a swing of things never or rarely seen that I’m questioning where I’m living.

Good news is we have so many plans in the works for around the homestead our focus is on the future!

We are in the depths of planning and have started purchasing and acquiring parts for:

  1. A 60 ft by 16 ft deck attached off one side of our house.

  2. A DIY greenhouse inside of our fenced in garden area.

  3. A duck house for our two female ducklings arriving in February.

As per my normal, I am working ten projects at once and really putting my project management skills to the test. Each of these will bring so much to our home and I can't wait until they are complete. Right now that's looking like this Summer, fingers crossed.

January is also the month of seed purchases and plans for the garden. I purchased about thirty new varieties between flowers, vegetables, and fruit. I have only put a few bulbs and roots in the ground, everything else will wait to be planted until March. I always have trouble with waiting to start the seedlings though. It’s a game I play every year. Usually I talk myself into starting some too early and pay for it later, oh well. I have so enjoyed my social media account as it grounds me and puts me in touch with all the other people doing the exact same thing. I have even made plans to attend a flower course locally and trade dahlia tubers with some social media friends.


In the new theme spirit I have adopted for the new year I also think it would be fun to share some small business accounts with you all. I have two I’d like to share this month!

The first is Henlay, the company I purchase my vintage egg cartons from. They recently just started selling wood egg holders too, like the one pictured below. They're a lovely small business and a very sweet family. If you're interested in a beautiful egg display this is it.

The second shop is by Michelle handmade on Etsy. She sells a tasteful collection of pillar and tapered candles that are each beautiful in their own right. If you are interested in checking out what she has available follow the link to her shop.


Next month will be full of duckling photos and breaking ground on all our projects. ❤️ Hope to see you then.

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